Saturday, March 4, 2017

Youth Hockey Stuff

Hockey Parent or youth youth hockey player. Regardless, you probably have a lot of questions on playing hockey.

Where does one go to find this information. Well there are a number of sites out in the nether that will give you all kinds of tips and tricks to help get you started.

One such site is Youth Hockey Stuff. Here you'll be able to find all kinds of informationL

  • Unique hockey products that you can purchase
  • Ever wonder what a hockey sock is
  • What about a hockey girdle
  • Know you hockey positions and the responsibilities of those positions
Quite a bit to get you started if you are new to the sport.

So go ahead, check it you, Youth Hockey Stuff...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Student Mentor

If you are looking for a way to mentor students, there are a number of various resources to get you started.  Being a student mentor can be both time consuming and rewarding, and if you are a professional it can help you in your career as well.

Students that need mentoring can be found at all levels, whether that be inner city kids or young adults in high-school that are looking for a career choice.  You can get involved in programs that help with mentoring through youth services groups, or you can take this task upon yourself from a wide variety of websites that have been set up for this activity.  A simple internet search of student mentoring programs will overwhelm you and give you a wide variety of options to choose from.

I've discovered a newer website that focuses on the mentoring aspect for high-school and early year college students.  The concept is to help these students choose a career by being mentored from a broad range of professional occupations. The website is in a current beta program, so I'll refrain from identifying that particular site (hint: look at the url in the link I've identified above for the sites name).  I've been able to catch a brief glimpse of the site, but it's hidden now for their beta test.  The plan is to open this up in late June or early July of 2013.

They have a good post about Choosing a Career, and if you find yourself in high-school or college and have yet to decide what you want to be when you grow up, take a look at this post.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What is Vircara

Well, we know Vircara is a social network, and based upon their logo it appears as if it's a site that is designed to network students with professionals.  It's a little early to tell if this site will be a success, but it appears they have a good idea on their hands.  Their blog has some basic information that describes the site, and if you look closely at their main home page, you'll be able to find a link that previews the content of the site.

Here's a link to their blog that describes what Vircara is all about....

Friday, August 3, 2012

Riders Edge

Harley Davidson's Rider's Edge program is a beginning riding program for those that want to learn how to ride a motorcycle.  There are a number of beginner riding programs, some offered by the state, and others that are for profit.  If you are thinking of learning to ride a motorcycle, you'll definitely want to enroll in some time of basic riders program.

For a full review of Harley Davidson Rider's Edge, take a look at this link to help you understand whether or not you want to invest in taking this course.  This is a pretty solid review and actually gives you a perspective on what to expect in the course.  The article goes over the highlights of each day, and attempts to help you understand if you should pay for this course or take a course that is offered by the state you live in.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Create Your Website

Found a good post for your hockey folks on how you would go about creating a website for your followers.  It's a good starting point for web development, and identifies the basics for what is needed to create a site.  It covers things like picking a name, finding a hosting provider, and covering the site.

Web Developer Trials

Definitely more to come with this, as it looks like there will be other things posted around all aspects of Web development.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Social Networking

While not necessarily a hockey blog entry, there comes a time when one must think past hockey and try to determine what they are going to do with their life.  You can turn to a social networking for students site to see what kind of information you can find.  Perhaps you'll even be mentored by a hockey professional at some point.

Here's a link to a blog entry that was posted.  Ask yourself this question - if I knew then what I know now, would you make the same career choice?

Note: this is just a dummy blog to get a link to another site.  Do by all means check back here down the road, as we'll be posting more information once the site launches.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hockey for Kids

As we prepare for the start of another hockey season, it's time to fire up the site to provide hockey parents with more information as they get their kids started in a hockey program.  One of the things to be on the lookout for is the American Development Model.  While this approach by USA Hockey is a great way to learn the fundamentals of the game, it's not necessarily for everyone.

Last season I watched my son progress in his first season of hockey that utilized the ADM approach.  Definitely saw some advantages with this, but I also discovered a few things that I thought could use some improvement.  If you'd like to ready my blog on hockey for kids, it describes what I saw in a season that utilized the American Development Model.

Read on and let us know what you think.